The Holy Grail of AAC services

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Creating bespoke services for people with CCN by design rather than the NDIS price guide.

Presented by Janelle Sampson at the AGOSCI National Conference in Hobart on September 4-6, 2022.


As providers in the disability space and in particular, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), we know there is no magic bullet. We also know that 1:1 therapy is only part of the answer, and often the more meaningful outcomes are achieved outside of therapy sessions where  motivation and engagement is much higher. The NDIS however has structured services so that the 1:1 becomes the standard and most sought after service for therapeutic intervention. In many places, we are frequently finding that demand outweighs supply for individualised therapy, particularly when it comes to those with knowledge and experience in AAC. We are left with long wait lists for individualised services and difficulty finding funding or justifying the costs for  innovative programs that may not easily fit  within the square (or price guide).

At Two Way Street (TWS), we have been negotiating the NDIS (formerly Better Start and HCWA) as funding for private services for 10 years. During this time, we’ve always had our eyes on the prize that is the bigger picture beyond 1:1 services. It has taken time, patience, dedication, hard work and financial risk on many occasions to expand our services beyond just individual therapy sessions and we are still only part of the way there. 

In this presentation, the TWS team will share the  milestones and challenges we’ve encountered on our way toward our BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) for the business that includes individual services alongside capacity building and community development, while maintaining a niche focus on people with CCN at the heart.