Why is Communication Access important?

It is a big step towards people with communication challenges being able to participate fully. Without it, your organisation is excluding a significant group of individuals from accessing your services and products.

People with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds could also benefit from visual information. In a busy world with information overload, visual support for messages is helpful to all, not just those with communication difficulties.

1 in 7 Australians will have a communication difficulty at some stage in their life

  • 424,300 Australians aged 0-64 years have a communication disability (30,000 in SA)
  • 245,000 have a severe/profound communication disability (17,000 in SA)
  • 1.2 million Australians need assistance with ‘cognitive and emotional tasks’ (84,000 in SA)

Communication Access aims to create a world
where people who have communication difficulties
can communicate successfully with everyone.

What does Communication Access certification mean?

Being certified with the Communication Access Symbol shows that:

  • your business has been successfully assessed and adheres to the registered Communication Access standards 
  • customers can be confident that their form of communication will be valued
  • your staff have awareness and training
  • resources are available that will support successful communication.

How does my business become accessible?

We will work closely with your team to truly understand your business and its services and develop your unique Communication Access toolkit through the following steps:

  • Consult with your staff to understand your current level of communication accessibility
  • Assess current solutions and practices
  • Develop individualised resources to augment communication with customers
  • Train all staff as you work towards compliance
  • Conduct mystery evaluations, when you’re ready, against the Communication Access standards
  • On completion of successful evaluations, we will recommend certification to be provided by Scope
  • Once certified, you can proudly display the Communication Access Symbol
  • We will promote your services throughout our community
  • Annual reviews to ensure ongoing compliance with Communication Access standards.

The Communication Access Symbol is endorsed by respected organisations including International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC),  Department of Health & Human Service (DHHS) and National Disability Services (NDS)

For Communication Access services outside of South Australia, please contact Scope’s Communication and Inclusion Resource Centre:

Phone: 03 9843 2000

Email: [email protected]

Two Way Street dedicates our work toward Communication Access to the memory of Ryan Bright, our friend and colleague who would be extremely proud that we are continuing this work.

Get in touch

Let's start a conversation about how you can become communication accessible.

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