Janelle Sampson Director and Speech Pathologist
Janelle is a Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist and has worked in both Australia and Canada for more than 30 years. She established Two Way Street in 2011 to bring to life her vision for making a difference to children and adults with complex communication needs (CCN). To help share her passion and the vast knowledge she has in this area, she regularly presents workshops and presentations to parents, educators, speech pathologists and other professionals or groups.
Janelle has a particular interest and focus on the positive emotional development, wellbeing and sense of self-determination for people with complex communication needs. She has extensive experience working with individuals and groups across a wide variety of settings including in homes, childcare, schools and adult settings. Whilst continuing all these important existing programs, a major current focus for Janelle is on working with businesses and organisations to support equal access and inclusion for all customers/consumers, including those with communication challenges.
Janelle is the author of the ROCC (Roadmap of Communicative Competence) Assessment Tool. She’s a Certified PODD Presenter and provides regular consultations and workshops around Australia for ROCC, PODD and other areas related to supporting people with communication challenges. Janelle has a particular interest in supporting the positive emotional development and wellbeing of people with CCN.
When she is not steering the Two Way Street ship, Janelle can be found enjoying a coffee (or red wine) on her back deck, tending to her garden, bees, cats, and chickens or walking on the beach with her husband, daughter and dog.